Take a backup of Dspace database and folders
Assume the version is same with both OS [I have tested DSpace 6.3]
sudo su
mkdir dspace_backup
sudo chmod 777 dspace_backup
Copy below script to backup.sh file
nano /home/dspace/dspace_backup/backup.sh
PGPASSWORD="dspace" pg_dump -U dspace -h localhost -Fc dspace | gzip > home/dspace/dspace_backup/dspace-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S).sql.gz
now=$(date +"%d_%m_%Y")
zip -r /home/dspace/dspace_backup/$now-assetstore.zip /dspace/assetstore
zip -r /home/dspace/dspace_backup/$now-log.zip /dspace/log
save the file &
Give a permission to file
sudo chmod +x dspace_backup/backup.sh
Go to directory
cd /home/dspace/dspace_backup
Issue the command
sh backup.sh
copy all files from the directory to Window10
(there will be three files sql.gz, assetstore.zip, and log.zip)
Locate all backup of Dspace database and folders anywhere you wish.
No go to Window Tomcat server and stop its service by
stop tomcat sever
Go to start-up button and open PGAdmin-III
bellow box will appeared
create new database [dspace] and also create [pgcrypto] Extension also
Now click on database tab and restore dspacesql (gz) file where you have located your .gz file
after restoring dspace db
delete [assetstore] directory from C:/dspace/
copy new assetstore directory to C:/dspace/
then issue the following command in Window machine
open cmd
Go to
cd C:\dspace\bin\
dspace database info
dspace database migrate
dspace index-discovery -b
dspace filter-media
dspace index-discovery
dspace index-discovery -o
Then restart Tomcat in Window-10
Now check your backup is fully restored http://yourIP:8080/jspui
If you need any further help please book your slot: Here