DSpace 7 Updates from OR2018
At OR2018 (June 2018), several talks/workshops gave an overview of the latest DSpace 7 work and the new technologies behind it.
DSpace 7 Updates, Demo and RoadMap
- DSpace 7 Update Slides: https://tinyurl.com/or2018-dspace7 (Includes updates, What is coming in DSpace 7, estimated roadmap, and screenshots of the live demo)
- DSpace 7 Recorded Demo: https://youtu.be/yKnos2jTdSQ (Includes a preview of REST API, Browse, Search, and a detailed demo of the enhanced Submission & Workflow functionality. This is an extended version of the live demo given at OR2018 in conjection with the "DSpace 7 Update Slides")
DSpace 7 Technical Workshops
- DSpace 7 REST API Workshop taught by Andrea Bollini (4Science), Terry Brady (Georgetown) and Tim Donohue (DuraSpace)
- Workshop Slides (including exercises): https://tinyurl.com/or2018-dspace-rest
- Exercises & online tutorial (work in progress): https://dspace-labs.github.io/DSpace7RestTutorial/
- DSpace 7 Angular UI Workshop taught by Art Lowell (Atmire) and Tim Donohue (DuraSpace)
- Workshop Slides (including exercises): https://tinyurl.com/or2018-dspace-ui
- Workshop Wiki page: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/OR2018+DSpace+Angular+Workshop