Wednesday, October 17, 2012

DSpace 3.0 is almost now

Dear All,

As we all aware that DSpace development never stops ! DSpace 3.0 is almost now, and with it arrives numerous new features, improvements, bug-fixes, changes, etc.

We ask that you take a few minutes of your time in these coming weeks to help us fully test this new release! We want to ensure we are maintaining the same level of quality that you come to expect out of a new DSpace release. We'd also love to hear your early feedback on 3.0!

WHO: You! Everyone is invited to take part. Whether you manage multiple instances, or are interested in trying it out, we welcome your feedback.

WHAT: Help beta-test DSpace to ensure that it passes its ultimate

test: that it does what users expect it to. We've added new features that could use more eyes, browsers, and mouse-clicks to make sure that things aren't missing, that they don't break, that they don't lose your data, and that they easily do what one expects them to do. So if any features have issues while your testing it, click the "Feedback" button and tell us about it.

WHEN: Wednesday, October 10 to Friday, October 19, 2012. You can keep visiting the site and post your feedback, as part of continual improvement.

WHY: The sooner we find and fix bugs, the higher quality the software will be when it comes time to upgrade or install DSpace 3.0.

HOW: Go to and test-drive one of the DSpace User Interfaces, such as JSPUI or XMLUI. If anything comes up while you are testing DSpace, you can click the red "Feedback" button on the page. If you are more technically inclined, you may download and install your own copy of DSpace 3.0 Release Candidate #1. We're looking for feedback on the DSpace software, as well as feedback on our unreleased 3.0 documentation.

- On Behalf of the DSpace 3.0 Release Team

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dspace Batch Installer for Window

The limiting factor to adopt Dspace has ever been the difficulty in Installing DSpace. And as we know that installation and configuration of the prerequisites that are usually time consuming and difficult with any operating system Linux, MAC or Window. This work has been meant for making Dspace a handy software and saving time of setting Environmental Variables, running window command line. Anyone with slightest knowledge of computer can also run Dspace with simple steps.

Here your DSpace Installer will work completely offline (no need to get connected with internet)

DSpace batch installer package consists of following files:

jdk-6u31-windows-i586, postgresql-9.1.3-1-windows, Apache Ant 1.8.3, DSpace-1.8.2, ApacheTomcat1.7.28 and Window batch files with Run Me.html-Dspace navigation file with installation steps.

Kindly suggest your possible ideas to or join DSpace Users Club at []

Create Superuser in Mysql

Login MySQL using mysql -u root -p CREATE USER 'superuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGE...